Look what my darling daughter bought me! She arrived home from a shopping trip last weekend with this Mead Five Star Stand 'N Store pencil case:

I’ve ordered so much stuff from those wonderful people at JetPens that my pen/pencil collection is rapidly outgrowing the storage space I have for it, so the new Stand ‘N Store couldn’t have come at a better time.
Measuring approximately 8” tall x 4½” wide (203mm x 114mm), the Stand ‘N Store is available in a variety of colours: pink, grey or blue polka dot and plain green or black. The top half is of nylon fabric construction featuring a zip round three sides, the bottom half is nylon mesh allowing easy viewing of the contents.
The design makes the Stand ‘N Store a slim pencil pouch while on the road, and an open pen holder when in use. Simply open the zip and fold the top half of the pouch down to make a pen/pencil holder perfect for any desk. There is a small Velcro-closure interior pocket measuring 2” x 3” (45mm x 85mm) on the inside of the top half of the pouch, ideal for carrying mechanical pencil lead, fountain pen cartridges or other small items.
The pouch features two cord loops along one side, which allow the Stand ‘N Store to be easily carried in a binder.
Overall, I am impressed with the Stand ‘N Store – it is well constructed and large enough to comfortably carry 15 – 20 pens/pencils without becoming too bulky; it would also make an ideal carrying case for a mobile sketching/watercolour set. My only reservation is the mesh section, which seems a little fine compared to other similar pouches I have seen, but appears strong enough for its intended function; a long-term carry test is needed here. The thing I am most impressed about is the price, only 99p each (approx. 64 cents at today’s exchange rate)!
At a Glance:
Size: 8” x 4½” (203mm x 114mm).
Colour choice: Pink, grey or blue polka dot and plain green or black.
Price: 99p
Available from: Home Bargains stores in the UK, or online at www.meadfivestar.com
Overall rating: 4 out of 5.

Quite a thorough and informative review. I have been using this case for years,and the mesh has held up quite well. They typically retail for $4.99 at big office supplies stores like Office Depot. Though I recently picked up a couple of them on clearance for a buck each.
Thanks for commenting, I'm still getting to grips with this blogging thing and kind words like yours are very much appreciated. Thanks also for clearing up the mesh durability thing, sounds like it's stronger than it looks.
I'm hoping to find one myself later today. I first read about these in this blog entry http://robotninjamonsters.blogspot.com/2009/05/kokuyo-neocritz-transformer-pencil-case.html
but a search of the websites of both Office Depot and Staples produces no results. I'll have to pay them both a visit just in case it's in the store but not on the site. Both your review and the one in the above link have made me want to check them out in person.
I don't think you'll be disappointed if you can find one. The more I use mine, the more impressed I am with it.
i've seen these every year before Back to School and have thought about getting one. your review is just the nudge i need. now if you'll just point me toward The Perfect Pen for a leftie, i'll be set!
You could try either a Lamy Safari or a Schneider Base fountain pen, both of which are available with a left-handed nib. Hope that helps, and thanks for the great comment! :)
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